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JedTheHead 06-05-2006 10:19 PM

GroupWise, BES, WebAccess and Firefox
Anyone else seeing this? Curious...

GW 7 SP1 Beta
BES 4.1
Firefox (possibly other versions, this just the version I tested with)

- Appointments created and accepted via the Windows client will show up on the BlackBerry

- Appointments created in the Windows client and accepted in WebAccess DO show up on the BlackBerry

(and the weird one: )

- Appointments created in WebAccess and accepted in WebAccess OR the Windows client do NOT show up on the BlackBerry

- WebAccess appts work fine via WebAccess in Internet Explorer. Which makes no sense to me... I tried Firefox on my Linux machine, wife's XP laptop, and the a PC at work (XP)... and they all behave the same.

In short (and to recap) any appoinments created via WebAccess when using Firefox do NOT appear on the Blackberry.

Anyone else seeing this?



tincherj 06-06-2006 11:31 AM

similar problem

hey, had similar problem when I upgraded from BESGW_4.0.3 to BESGW_4.0.4 (SP4) a week ago.

My issue was any Appointment (posted or assigned) created using GW client (6.5.7 version) would NOT sync to handheld. BUT appts on the handheld would sync to GW Client.

Contacting TSupport was very helpful. They did NOT (at this time) have a fix for my issue and there is a KNOWN issue with BES GW 4.1 and calendaring.

My resolution was to rollback to 4.0.3 (SP3 Hotfix3).

Recommended process is to (from TSupport email)
**i received a ftp login to get the BESGW_4.0.3 Full version (base plus SP3) from RIM (in step 5)

1. Stop BlackBerry Services.
2. Backup database to secure location.
3. Uninstall BlackBerry Server from Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
4. Reboot server to unregister services from Service Control Manager.
5. Re-install BlackBerry Server from ftp download (ensure its besgw_4.0.3.exe, if it has name of besgwU_4.0.3.exe, it is the upgrade version and needs pre-existing version installed).
6. DO NOT start services at end of setup. It is recommended to immediately apply Hot Fix 3 for Service Pack 3. The file,, can be found under "/BES 4.0/Hot Fixes/4.0.3 Hotfix 3" folder on ftp site.
7. At the end of the Hot Fix installation, you are free to allow Server Configuration tool to start services.

we have had NO problems since I rolled back this morning.


Gareth.Hooper 06-06-2006 03:00 PM

Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry7290/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/168)

I have the same setup and am seeing the same issue with appointments being posted after accepting and the deleting, I find this is with appointments with invitee's. Not sure if webaccess or desktop makes any difference or Gwise7.0.1 Beta. We did not have this issue on 4.0.3. This is an Issue documented on Blackberry KB

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