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dialekt 08-27-2006 02:52 PM

8100 Software Video Playback?
quoted from GOD..(oh I mean Boy Genius)

"It supports .mov, .avi, .mp4, and .3gp. It does function like a drive when you plug in the USB cable, and also you can not send attachments over PIN directly, just email, MMS, or BlackBerry Messenger (which now accepts audio along wtih pictures)"

With that said, is this the specified types of video the device supports? I believe that video, mp3 playback, and memory card support can make this thing a true killler.

Are people just going to have to start writing software for this beast once it gets launched (to support video playback)...or will it have some kind of "player" embedded already?

d_fisher 08-27-2006 02:56 PM

Based on the video review BG did it looks like it comes with a builtin player.

dialekt 08-27-2006 03:07 PM

the sad thing about much as i love blackberries. ( and i mean i LOVE Them) ..I'm considering switching to Sprint for their coverage and EVDO in the states. I realize how much i actually utilize the internet on my phone. (which is a lot when it comes to down time). But I know that my nice selection of every single new phone will be limited because that's just how CDMA is. No more unlocked toys for me. gah.

jattila4 08-27-2006 03:45 PM

Is there a standard headphone jack on the pearl, or do we have to buy a special headset to listen to music/videos.

And do you think there will be a way to turn the BB horizontally and play videos that way, the demensions of the screen would be better that way.

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