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jmanford 11-01-2006 01:20 PM

"some databases failed to synchronize"
I got this message when activating a Verizon 8703e. I was watching the address book populate and it was at 98% and it showed 400/550, which to mean meant there was still 150 contacts to still be populated to the device, when I got the above error. Activation completed and device works fine. This is the second time I have got the same error when activating this same device. What's the problem here?

dev 11-01-2006 03:06 PM

You could have a corrupted address book entry. Have a look at the SYNC logs
to see what sort of sync activity transpired during the EA process. I'm assuming that all the address book entries did not sync.
If the device is fully functional apart from the address book, you could reset the address book to manual (wired) sync and try to resolve the issue that way.

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