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logan 11-08-2006 02:42 PM

New Program Available - BlackBerry Alerts

I've released a new application, BlackBerry Alerts, for sale that may be of some interest. It provides capability for repeating audible alerts for:

Missed Calls
SMS Messages
Voicemail (may not always work perfectly since there is no access to the voicemail flag)
PIN Messages

The alert can be set to repeat every 1, 3 or 9 minutes. There are a lot of options so it is highly customizable... mostly you will want to check out missed calls, sms and voice mail alerts.
You can set it up to use a profile so can choose any of your existing ring tones.

Version is compatible with the Pearl but there is an issue with the Pearl dialog for Missed Call view/close (thanks to PaulQ from this board for lots of testing). Still working on a Pearly Only version with Paul but license keys will be transferrable between the two.

Product Link

OTA Link (Demo Only, not available late night)

Let me know any problems/suggestions. Working on future version to include separate notification for each alert type. Free future upgrades provided (keep license key).

jmwking 11-08-2006 05:12 PM

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) BlackBerry8703e/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

How does it compete with message alerts from webmessenger?


logan 11-08-2006 05:22 PM

I haven't tried using Message Alerts but by looking at the listed product features, they are focusing on filtering of your email messages and bringing attention to specific emails.

My program works differently as it alerts you when you miss a phone call or sms or email, whatever you choose. It doesn't filter messages but alerts you if you recieve one and don't check your BlackBerry for the specified email. The BlackBerry won't continuously remind you like my program will.

So I think the Message Alerts is ideal for you if you are getting too much email or text messages and want to filter out messages while my program is more for people that are conerned about missing a phone call, voicemail or sms.

Just my impressions by looking at their features though... I would suggest trying them both out as both have trial versions available.

jmwking 11-08-2006 05:40 PM

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) BlackBerry8703e/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

Thanks. If you haven't tried it, you probably should at least look at Message Alerts - it can be customized to do this sort of repeating notices, but with optional logic to pick and choose a subset of the messages, etc., it fires off on.

(Disclaimer: I'm not with them, but have been using their software for some time. Always on the lookout for new stuff, though.)



Soapm 11-09-2006 01:06 AM

I'd love to give this a try as I miss this feature from my pager.

How much?

What is the difference between the demo and full version?

Can you post a link I can type in my BB as I don't come to these groups using it?

Peterme 11-09-2006 07:33 AM

I wonder how it compares to WebMessenger Alerts.

logan 11-09-2006 07:46 AM

Typable OTA Link (Available from about 8 AM to 10 PM EST):

The different between the demo and full version is that the demo version stops working after 7 days until you register it by purchasing a license key. With the full version you would just get the key right away.

I'd rather not post the exact price because it could change but right now it is ballpark $10 USD.

Soapm 11-09-2006 10:42 AM

I am giving it a try now, one thing I noticed is you did not include level 1 messages and calander appointments. I need those options the most.

Also, I would like a way to set a different tone for just reminders. Not a different one for each reminder but one tone that is my reminder tone. I want like two beeps or just a single chirp. In other words, I don't want to wear the battery down or piss off the people in my office if I leave my BB on the desk I just want a simple audible tone that says, "hey, I need attention".

logan 11-09-2006 10:48 AM

Always good to get new ideas, I didn't even think of Calendar appointments, I will see if it is possible. Yeah the program does not distinguish between level 1 or not, I'll check if that is possible too.

Hmm, not quite 100% sure by what you mean by general reminder. The program right now is just one general reminder, go to your profiles and select BlackBerry Alerts. You should be able to change your tune to beep or chirp or anything that is on there. Make sure program audio option is set to profile.

logan 11-09-2006 05:48 PM

I have looked into the Calendar options and there is really nothing that can be done. The Calendar runs as a separate program on the device and doesn't allow other programs to access it.

Yeah changing profiles would be amazing of course. I am looking at adding a schedule where you could have it not alert you depending on the schedule but this would not interface with the calendar at all.

Also I'm wondering if anyone has run this on an 8700 model and could let me know of any problems as I was having problems on an 8703e, alerts weren't working as the device was coming out of idle on its own do to a backlight timeout.

PaulQ 11-09-2006 07:16 PM

As you read, I have been involved in some of the testing of this program... all I can say is it is AWESOME!

I tried Message Alerts and worked with them for several days to get it to work. It never worked right for me. It kept causing problems. I know that many people use it without incident but for me, it didn't work.

BlackBerry Alerts makes the Pearl do what it should have done all along. It reminds on missed activity.

A lot of people are asking what difference is between this and Message Alerts. Both are good programs.

Blackberry Alerts is a simpler approach. It doesn't filter and create individual reactions for every type of message. It reminds you of basic events that occur on your phone should you happen to miss the initial ring/vibrate. It is neatly incorporated into your profiles - you set the "missed event" response. For example, when my phone is set to vibrate, it vibrates reminders. When I am set to "Phone only", it only uses an LED reminder.

Blackberry Alerts is also half the price.

They are two different programs. If you don't need filtering, Blackberry Alerts will definately do the trick!

I love it. It's not complicated, it's customizable, and it works!! This is the best update to my Pearl since I bought it! :smile: :razz:

(nope, I am not profitting from the sales)

Soapm 11-10-2006 12:33 AM

Day 1, worked as advertised. You are correct Logan, Buzzer is the tone I prefer though the name made me think it would be different. I can't really her the audible tone on my 7290.

I think the log that shows all your missed activities should go newest at the top to oldest at the bottom. Example, I may not have answered a level 1 message while at the job because I responded via outlook. It's ok to have it in the log but I would prefer the most recent activity to be first in the list.

Unlike Paul, I don't need a different tone for each type activity. Good over all product, solid, simple and works as advertised. Now if only you could get the calendar to work I would send you my old Army boots as my gift to you. They're genuine GI issue :)

PaulQ 11-10-2006 12:47 AM

I should clarify in case I might have given the wrong impression - you cannot indicate a different reminder TONE for each message type. The reminder sound/vibrate/buzz is set in the profile and applies to all reminders. Again, very straightforward.

You can, however, set a different sound/virbate/buzz for each profile.

I agree with SoapM on the order of the log. It didn't strike me at first but now that you mention it, you're right, it would be a lot more logical.


YMark 11-10-2006 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Soapm
In other words, I don't want to wear the battery down or piss off the people in my office if I leave my BB on the desk I just want a simple audible tone that says, "hey, I need attention".

The horror. NEVER leave your BB unattended. :shock:

logan 11-10-2006 07:39 AM

Good call on having the newest logs on the top, I will work on that change. Yeah sorry about Calendar support, from what I have looked at there is basically no way to do much with Calendar entries.

Soapm 11-11-2006 12:05 AM

Day 2... I got a page from the job at 6:30 AM. I got up about 7:30 and heard the reminder while taking my morning dump. Worked as advertised. Way to go Logan! (y)

whsbuss 11-11-2006 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by logan
Good call on having the newest logs on the top, I will work on that change. Yeah sorry about Calendar support, from what I have looked at there is basically no way to do much with Calendar entries.

Why not just set Snooze in the calendar options. There you can select the reminder time and its already part of the OS.

ifonline 11-11-2006 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Soapm
Day 2... I got a page from the job at 6:30 AM. I got up about 7:30 and heard the reminder while taking my morning dump. Worked as advertised. Way to go Logan! (y)

Ungh... not the picture I needed in my mind so early in the morning. Thanks! :razz:

Soapm 11-11-2006 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by whsbuss
Why not just set Snooze in the calendar options. There you can select the reminder time and its already part of the OS.

That's if you are there when the alarm or reminder goes off, I take walks in the morning and may forget I have an early morning meeting. If the alarm goes off while I'm out on my walk then I don't catch it till I am dressed and ready to leave. That's why I want my Berry to speak up and say, "hey, something happened while you were out". That little chirp will get me to look at it and possible pick up my pace so I don't end up late for my meeting.

Soapm 11-11-2006 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by ifonline
Ungh... not the picture I needed in my mind so early in the morning. Thanks! :razz:

Some pictures are worth a thousand words, some words are better than a real picture...

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