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ibrg 11-28-2006 08:37 PM

CalendarShare for Partners and Secretaries: Syncing with Google Calendar
xxxxxxxxxxxxx for Partners and Secretaries (<---click) is an odd name for an app but it works flawlessly and it is quite simple to set up. So if you are looking for a program that will sync your Pearl with Google Calendar: This is it. This app costs $19.95 (Handango <---click) , but it is worth the price if you need access to your Google Calendar on the fly. The software is fully compatible with Outlook and it will allow you read other Google Calendars, such as the calendar of your spouse or your boss, and to show or hide these calendars on your handheld. Other Google Calendars include Holidays and the schedule of your favourite sports team will work as well.
Support from LLC (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) was excellent.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated/associated with this company. I was looking for a reliable app to sync Google Calendar with my Pearl and found this one to be very good.

rickthornton 11-28-2006 09:23 PM

I am also using the demo of this software and my experience thus far is favorable. I had an issue initially that they responded to immediately and resolved, so kudos on the customer support.

My anticipated use of this is to sync my handheld calendar to a Google Calendar, primarily so that my secretary can view/edit my appointments. I previously did this via syncing Outlook with Yahoo Calendar which required two steps and I had to be in proximity of my laptop. Since I use the handheld as my primary calendar, taking the time to sync to outlook was solely for the purpose of being able to then sync with Yahoo.

This software allows ota sync between the handheld and Google Calendar, it seems to work with a few minor issues, one being recurring appointment support (developer indicates this is a Google issue and they are working on a fix). The other two issues I have is that you can only sync out into the future a limited amount of time (default is 7 days, although you can change this value). The last thing I have noticed is that following a sync with Google, the application creates a text field in the notes portion of the appointment, which it apparently uses in subsequent synchronizations with Google to create an identity for that particular entry. Not a big deal but it caused me to have to shut off the (show 1st line of notes) option in Pocket Day.

The sync process takes approximately 60 seconds or so, it is bi-directional and the software has numerous other capabilities such as multiple calendars, etc. that I have not yet tried.

I will most certainly purchase the software unless another solution drops out of the sky in the next week or so.

BTW, I am using this on a 8700C, which is supported, using BIS.

Also, I am not affiliated with the developer, just someone looking for a way to let my secretary know which State I'm in.

srotman 11-29-2006 03:39 AM

why arent you guys just using this for free!? GCALSYNC - synchronize your phone with Google Calendar

ive read about it all over the place. personally i havent tried it but its got good review. and u cant beat the price

ibrg 11-29-2006 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by srotman
why arent you guys just using this for free!? GCALSYNC - synchronize your phone with Google Calendar

ive read about it all over the place. personally i havent tried it but its got good review. and u cant beat the price

GCALSYNC needs to be refined and improved. There seem to be too many issues with it. I don't have time to 'putz' with it. My 2 cents.

MrKyoo 11-29-2006 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by srotman
why arent you guys just using this for free!? GCALSYNC - synchronize your phone with Google Calendar

ive read about it all over the place. personally i havent tried it but its got good review. and u cant beat the price

Some good and some bad reviews.


ibrg 11-29-2006 05:47 PM

Now that I had some time to 'putz' with this program I have noticed some kinks. The developer explained that some of the issues (if not all of them) reside with Google Calendar itself, or the BlackBerry API.
Item 1: Repeated events and long (more than a week, in my case) events did not sync.
Item 2: Google special calendars such as "Holidays," "Phases of the moon," etc., do not sync.
The developer said that they are working on these issues but chances are Google is calling the shots so they might never get resolved.
Overall I still like this software.

srotman 11-29-2006 05:51 PM

wait a second. did a mod ACTUALLY delete my prior comment about 'putz'?!

wow. talk about lack of 'free speech'

ibrg 11-29-2006 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by srotman
wait a second. did a mod ACTUALLY delete my prior comment about 'putz'?!

wow. talk about lack of 'free speech'


random374 11-30-2006 12:27 PM

Bug fixes

Originally Posted by ibrg
Item 1: Repeated events and long (more than a week, in my case) events did not sync.
Item 2: Google special calendars such as "Holidays," "Phases of the moon," etc., do not sync.
The developer said that they are working on these issues but chances are Google is calling the shots so they might never get resolved.
Overall I still like this software.

Disclaimer: I am associated with the company.

First, we would like to thank Ibrg for all her input and comments. It is through motivated potential customers that we improve our product, and (hopefully!) make them happier in the process. Everyone wins.

Item 1 above is really 2 items:
1a: Repeated events: The BlackBerry Java API has problems with some Outlook-style repeat rules (in fact, you can't create them in your BlackBerry's calendar interface, e.g. the first Tuesday of every month). We have our own rendition that we now default to if the BlackBerry Java API can't handle a repeat rule. It is still under review, but it will be in the codeline soon.
1b: Day or Multi-Day events. This actually seems to be working now (our earlier problem was with OS version, but we have upgraded our devices as per T-Mobile's site. Google has also recently upgraded its site).
2. This was our bug, not Google's. It has been fixed in 6.8.8, which is currently available only for the BlackBerry. We will have PalmOS, Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC and Windows Mobile 5 SmartPhone versions out by this evening.

Thanks for the input. It really helps to improve the product.

ibrg 11-30-2006 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by random374
Disclaimer: I am associated with the company.

Nice to meet you! :)


Originally Posted by random374
2. This was our bug, not Google's. It has been fixed in 6.8.8, which is currently available only for the BlackBerry.

Excellent! Available OTA, I assume.

EvanDM 12-02-2006 09:52 PM

any body know any similiar programs that would work for the 8703e on VZW?

bhsalzer 12-05-2006 10:15 AM

I have yet to register this program but have been using it for a few days.

It syncs perfectly. The only problem I see is that sometimes it gets hung up on syncs and it fails. A quick try again and it seems to work fine.

abbydog3 12-06-2006 07:51 PM

My 2 cents, been looking for a good OTA sync for BIS client for months.

Running 7130c on Cingular and I just download xxxxxxxxxxxxx and so far so good.

More to follow in a few days.

One question, is there a special version that will display correctly on my 7130c screen? The program seems to be geared for those widescreen devices.

naabster 12-11-2006 09:09 AM

I am trying this right now, but i always get a "connection hung" error. I have no IMs running..

i also tried this with another gcal account with only one entry. Same error here.

MythmbHurts 12-18-2006 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by srotman
why arent you guys just using this for free!? GCALSYNC - synchronize your phone with Google Calendar

ive read about it all over the place. personally i havent tried it but its got good review. and u cant beat the price

Many 8100 users can not get this to work myself being one of them! if you find a way to get it to work the 8100 your the man and please share you secret!

random374 12-24-2006 03:29 PM

Hung connections occur repeatedly when people's application permissions are set incorrectly: Options->Advanced Options->Applications. Another reason is that the APN is not set correctly. Please send email to support and we will take care of this for you.


Originally Posted by naabster
I am trying this right now, but i always get a "connection hung" error. I have no IMs running..

i also tried this with another gcal account with only one entry. Same error here.

akosnitzky 12-24-2006 03:39 PM

So I see from the website, that it is not supporting 72XX models.

drewdinardo 12-27-2006 11:01 AM

I got it to go through the full sync process but nothing showed up on my gcal.... and nothing moved to my bbcal:-o

sunny_ca 12-27-2006 11:06 AM

One important note - somebody mentioned "why not get gcalsync?" - a big difference is that gcalsync is a j2me app, while xxxxxxxxxxxxx is a native BB app - which gives much more room for the developers...

saraiya 12-27-2006 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by drewdinardo
I got it to go through the full sync process but nothing showed up on my gcal.... and nothing moved to my bbcal:-o

Hi, please send email to [email address] and we will find out what the problem is.

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