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trancemaasta 02-14-2007 12:03 AM

Bes 4.1.3 (sp3)
1 Attachment(s)
Install was nice and easy... nearly the same as SP2

Current Setup Win2K3Sp2, Exch2k3sp2, LocalSQL2000sp4

Only Testing ATM, seems to be running OK, will let you all know how it runs soon

FYI - Only a handful of users on the system though and the installer was the Upgrade(sp) not a 4.1.3 install.

(y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)

edonin 02-14-2007 08:47 AM

Cool! Where did you get it from? Did you have to go through T-Support? I just checked the RIM Download section and didn't see it listed.

stac 02-14-2007 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by edonin
Cool! Where did you get it from? Did you have to go through T-Support? I just checked the RIM Download section and didn't see it listed.

BUMP... do you have a URL for downloading this? Does it include the DST patches?


jibi 02-14-2007 02:37 PM

Yes, you'll have to go through TSupport to get this. It should be available on the public site next week, at the latest, to my knowledge.

rjd75 02-14-2007 04:34 PM

Don't mean to hijack the thread but can you jump from 4.0 directly to 4.1 SP3? I am still running and my Exchange is at Sp1. I am looking to do some major work on this machine, starting with virtualizing for easy backup and DRP and then upgrading to the latest service pack. I would like to handle the DST issue at the same time but from what I have read it is simply the cdo.dll and a patch for the handhelds. Any advice for an upgrade path would be greatly appreciated! Would like to avoid doing anything to the Exchange Server if possible, I still have not triggered the Send As issue, do any updates to 4.1 and beyong require exchange sp2?

trancemaasta 02-14-2007 04:36 PM

Yeah, Tsupport and Partner Access Should have it now.

From the Release Notes - As I'm not in North America I can't confirm that it does work. Maybe someone can post ?????

Daylight Saving Time support enhancements - In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP3, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server uses a SQL script to add updated Daylight Saving Time (DST) information to a new database table called SyncDeviceConfig. The BlackBerry Synchronization Service then synchronizes the time zone information from the database table with BlackBerry devices. See Impact of North American Daylight Saving Time changes in 2007 on BlackBerry customers for more information about preparing your environment for DST changes.

trancemaasta 02-14-2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by rjd75
Don't mean to hijack the thread but can you jump from 4.0 directly to 4.1 SP3? I am still running and my Exchange is at Sp1. I am looking to do some major work on this machine, starting with virtualizing for easy backup and DRP and then upgrading to the latest service pack. I would like to handle the DST issue at the same time but from what I have read it is simply the cdo.dll and a patch for the handhelds. Any advice for an upgrade path would be greatly appreciated! Would like to avoid doing anything to the Exchange Server if possible, I still have not triggered the Send As issue, do any updates to 4.1 and beyong require exchange sp2?

Goto Sp6 then do the 4.1.3 Upgrade
ExchSp2 = No, not required, refer to installation documentation

centrekin 02-15-2007 03:05 PM

Are there any real big changes with 4.1.3?

RipThorn 02-15-2007 03:30 PM

I noticed that you are running Win2K3Sp2. SP2 is still in beta at the moment and will be released later on this year. Is your setup a production setup or just test lab?

thank you

trancemaasta 02-15-2007 04:42 PM

Testing. The server name in the picture is pretty self explanatory.
10 users ATM and only 10 Exchange accounts. Still going strong, seems to be going fine ATM.

abakcuh 02-16-2007 08:25 PM

I have seen this asked a few times here but one more won't hurt :-)
I am upgrading from 4.0.5 to 4.1. I only have the full installer in 4.1.1 so I will have to do this first. After which I can install SP3 without SP1 or SP2 and any hotfixes?

jibi 02-17-2007 01:15 AM

Correct. Service Packs are cumulative to the last major release (4.1.3 includes 4.1.0-4.1.2); Hot Fixes are cumulative to the last service pack (3.6.4 HF3 includes 3.6.4 HF1-HF2).

abakcuh 02-17-2007 04:48 PM

Thanks...Just completed a nightmare of an upgrade to my environment. Upgraded from 4.0.5 to 4.1.1 with zero problems...Upgraded to SP3 and the wheels fell off. Imediately after installing the upgrade it wanted to upgrade the db. I received the great useless message of "db upgrade failed: error executing an sql statement" Spoke with RIM last night at midnight and am told that I can create a new database to complete the install of the SP and switch afterwards to my database. If they tell you this run..I was on the phone for 4 hours with RIM before getting this resolved. I had to uninstall everything. Then had to install 4.1.2 on the servers only to have the same error occur. I next received a sql script from RIM that will remove extra tables and repair the database. This had to be run about three times as well as reducing the log file and setting the db to the grow to max size. (Current db is 500mb) This followed by manually upgrading the database using Createdb.exe before setup would continue. I am up and running now on SP2 HF3. I might eventually go to SP3 but am a little gun shy at the momment :-)

BrooklynzFinest 02-18-2007 11:09 PM

SP3 available to the public on Blackberry site now

trancemaasta 02-18-2007 11:36 PM

Software For BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.1 for Microsoft(R) Exchange Service Pack 3
  • Filename: besx_upgrader_4.1.3.exe
  • Filesize: 234 MB
  • Date posted: 16-Feb-07

BB1877 02-19-2007 07:58 AM

I upgraded my 4.1.2 HF3 for Domino to 4.1.3 this morning in about 15 minutes. Very smooth, except the installation did hang on the first attempt. I just brought this BES up a week ago and only have 10 users (out of almost 400) on it so far. Will monitor for issues...

jibi 02-19-2007 10:49 PM

No longer refreshes anytime you make a change for a single user. This way, you don't have to click on the user 4 times for 4 different changes (IT Policy config, Default folders config, etc). Love it, if not for that only... :)

Dookie 02-20-2007 03:31 AM

I've installed it about 4 minutes ago and i absolutely love it. Right click is back and what a fantastic PDF support - users will love the option Enhance.
Works without problem. Will see how about resources and leaks.

pej 02-20-2007 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Dookie
... fantastic PDF support - users will love the option Enhance.
Works without problem.

Can you give some more details on this? I don't see anything specific in the Release Notes or docs about new PDF capabilities. Are they specific to OS 4.2?

Dookie 02-20-2007 10:47 AM

Well, the rendering is much better then before. Now you can zoom into the pdf file down to even smallest text and let it enhance - render again.
Also you can see full page, instead of some short notices. It's very significant change for us - especially when flight tickets are sent as pdf attachment.
I wasn't able also to find it in release document, but it's fact.

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