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ABC_Mark 07-17-2007 08:13 AM

8700c problem receiving Outlook e-mail - constant service pack sending
Hello all,

I did a search of the forums, but couldn't find this problem. My boss has a BB 8700c. For many years, his primary e-mail was an AOL account. Recently, he switched to Outlook 2003, which the rest of our office uses. Since then, he doesn't get e-mail on his BB. Our IT guy set it up, and I've been on the Cingular/AT&T tech support chat, and they both say everything is correct. Despite this, the only way he can receive e-mail is if I log on to the BIS and send him service packets...ALL DAY LONG. Clearly, this can't continue, since it's only a work-around solution.

I've deleted his e-mail on the BIS and recreated the account (per tech support) and it still didn't work. Can anyone offer a suggestion that I may pass on to our IT person, or do myself? Many thanks in advance!

JSanders 07-17-2007 08:24 AM

Mark, so when you do send the service books, he can receive his email for a short period of time?

From your description, it sounds like he is on a BIS setup, not BlackBerry Exchange Service (BES)?

ABC_Mark 07-17-2007 08:36 AM

More info
When I send Mark his service books, he receives all the mail that has been sent from the time I sent the last service books. So, if I send Mark the books at noon, then again at 2:00, he receives mail that was delivered between noon and 2:00. If I send the next book at 5:00, he'll receive e-mail from 2:00 to 5:00.

Yes, he's on a BIS - he's the only person in our organization that uses a BB.


JSanders 07-17-2007 08:40 AM

Ok, sounds too simple... but have you pulled the battery at all, to reboot the BB? When you do, are the service books still there (Options > Advanced > Service Books: the ones with the @ symbol).

ABC_Mark 07-17-2007 08:43 AM

Not positive...
Mark is out of town at the moment, but I recall that he has removed the battery several times. I'll call him later - if they're not there, do you have a next step? If this is in a FAQ that I've missed, I'll be happy to research it instead of bothering you...but I do SO appreciate your help.


JSanders 07-17-2007 08:51 AM

It sounds like you have done it all correctly... at the Cingy BIS site, you have his email setup to push from your company POP email server, the BB PIN entered there.

Also at Options > Advanced > Host Routing Table, you can click to Register Now.

I just wonder why the Service Books are being deleted somehow, oddly, during the interim period. So I would also check (after he has not received an email you know has been sent) if the Service Book is present or not.

I don't know of a FAQ for trouble shooting something like this.

ABC_Mark 07-17-2007 08:53 AM

Thanks for your help!
I'll forward this thread to IT and cross my fingers!


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