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Old 07-14-2008, 11:13 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by Sith_Apprentice View Post
The iPhone vs BB debate will literally go on until a newer devices makes either obsolete.

BB = Security/Corporate Communication tool
iPhone = Media/Web Browsing

iPhone (1 or 2) cant hold a candle to the BlackBerry in those two fields. And the BlackBerry cant hold a candle to the iPhone in the media/web browsing fields. Its really that simple. Everything else is a matter of personal preference.
EXACTLY I don't understand why people debate this! BlackBerry SUCKS for what iPhone is good at ... and it sucks at it hard. iPhone SUCKS for what BlackBerry is good at ... and IT sucks at it hard. There was an article stating that 15% of mobile phone users in the US surf the web with their phones. 4% do it with iPhone, and 2% do it with BlackBerry. BB has been out much longer. People don't do surfing on the BB BECAUSE IT SUCKS. People don't type out long emails on the iPhone because the lack of keyboard SUCKS.

I have both because they are two completely different devices. iPhone for entertainment WHERE BLACKBERRY SUCKS, and BlackBerry for work with my long reports WHERE IPHONE SUCKS.
The crazy Filipino!!
PIN: 20FA40E8
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