Thread: Zumobi
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Old 07-18-2008, 05:04 PM   #12
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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I installed the application. While, I could see how it could be nice for replacing other applications (Facebook, Twitter, weather apps, stock tracking apps, and even for some select RSS feeds (I wouldn't say it would replace Viigo, at least for me)), the downside to it is too high for me right now.

Here are the negatives, as I see them:

1. It's SLOW. Entering any widget (or tile as Zumobi calls them) takes a long time, as does maneuvering within the widget.
2. It's a memory hog. I have my BlackBerry optimized to about 25-28MB free on boot. After an uptime of 113117 seconds (a little over 31 hours), I'm down to 11MB free.
3. It's interface is less than intuitive. While, I see that it would be effective on other devices, it just feels odd on a device with a trackball.
4. You have to remove your SD card to install it. What??!?
5. You can't close the program! If you use escape, it goes to background. Red button, background, Menu->Close, background. The only way to unload the program from active memory is to reboot your phone. This is just wrong on too many levels. (Semi-disregard this. Menu->Close does actually close the program, but the time it spends shutting down is about 1-2 minutes and it resides in the background while closing, which is what confused me)
6. After removing the program and rebooting your phone, the program leaves data behind. After very minimal use of the program over a day or two, my content store database was around 5MB. Just today, I realized that the data will still on my phone! I had to manually delete the files from the phone's memory to reclaim the 5MB of storage.

Don't get me wrong, I think the program has promise. I just think it could have spent a lot more time in alpha/beta to speed things up and take care of the memory issues. For now, I'll be sticking with my multiple apps. They use less memory combined (while running) than this program does.

Last edited by Cilraaz; 07-22-2008 at 09:37 AM.. Reason: Added #6
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