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Old 10-22-2005, 04:44 PM   #15
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Feb 2005
Model: 8800
Carrier: Cingular
Posts: 37

Not that I believe it but....

I walked into the local T-Mobile store today to see when my contract expires, as I am thinking about a move to Cingular (especially with the 8700 out next week or so). To my surprise, my contract ran out last month (guess I only signed a 1 year instead of a 2 year). Just for the hell of it, I asked if by any chance they had heard any news about T-Mobile's release of the 8700. I specifically asked about the 8700 not the revamped 7105. She knew exactly what I was talking about as she said "the new full sized one". She said they were promised they would have it before Christmas. I asked her 2 or 3 times just to confirm we were talking about the same thing, but of course I still don't believe her. Especially when I called Customer Service a little later just for the hell of it and asked about it, and the CSR said there is nothing on the "Coming Soon" sheet she had. She said probably next year.

So now I have to decide whether to jump ship for the new cool phone and EDGE, or wait it out with my 7100 until TMO's release of the 8700.