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Old 12-06-2008, 09:14 PM   #39
Roo Zilla
Thumbs Must Hurt
Join Date: Nov 2007
Model: iPhon
Carrier: AT&T
Posts: 69

Originally Posted by DrjonesUSA View Post
1) iPhone cannot currently record video nor can it sent any MMS at all - only text messages, however you can email pictures.

2) After having this thing for about 2 months now, I will *NEVER* go back to a BlackBerry. The iPhone is so much better, it isn't even funny. I argue that, for those who are NOT on BES, the iPhone's email is actually SUPERIOR to the BB because of the iPhone's beautiful IMAP.

This means that messages are synchronized on the server, so no matter how many devices you use to access your mail account(s), they are synchronized. No more going through a bunch of messages on your desktop only to have to manually delete/read the same messages on your Blackberry!

I would absolutely go with the iPhone, hands down, over any blackberry.

As a phone it is worlds better too - the call quality is superb and switching between multiple calls and the handset/bluetooth/speaker is instantaneous and totally seamless.

The touch interface is wonderfully well done.

I can't believe I'm saying all this, as only a few months ago I was *convinced* the iPhone was just a fancy toy for kids, but oh, how wrong I was.
I really hate to say this, cuz I hate Apple.... but I gotta agree....

I also thought iPhone was nothing more than a iPod with a phone stuck on it, but it is sooooooooo much more than that.

I had previously had a Curve for over a year and had a Bold for 2 weeks.

Admittedly, email functions on Blackberry is better, especially if you use BES. Security on iPhone is crap, virtually non-existent. There is virtually no way for an admin to control an iPhone beyond basic pushing of Exchange content. For those reasons, Blackberry is still better for businesses for whom these things are important.

Everything else though, Blackberry isn't even close. It might not even be second because of the G1.

It all basically comes down to where the future of smartphones is going to be a few years down the line. Are smartphones going to remain pretty much exclusive to business? Or will the masses move away from basic feature phones to smartphones? If the latter is the case, then Blackberry has a lot of catching up to do if it wants to keep growing and maintain it's market share because the masses want iPhone features.

There's a reason why iPhone has the highest, by far, customer satisfaction rating according to JD Power than every other smartphone, and it's not just because of the iPod.

BTW, in response to the IMAP thing.... Blackberry is capable of IMAP, but IMAP on Blackberry is oddly slow. On iPhone, you open the IMAP folder, the emails are there ready to be downloaded. On Blackberry, it take a bit of time for it to synchronize the folders and messages. Also, iPhone gives you better control of the folders, such as where to store sent messages and such.

Also, I use Mobileme and it does do true push email. Basically, just forward all your emails to your Mobileme account. Then in the iPhone, set the SMTP account to the Gmail SMTP. If you do that, all your emails are sent from your Gmail account and the fact you're using Mobileme at all is transparent. If you want to get Mobileme, don't pay the full price, get one on Amazon or eBay. I paid $40 for mine.

In a nut shell, I just want to say, I've done my last battery pull.....

Last edited by Roo Zilla; 12-06-2008 at 09:23 PM..
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