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Old 12-17-2008, 11:40 PM   #39
New Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
Model: Storm
Carrier: Verizon
Posts: 5

Originally Posted by jh1 View Post
I have had multiple issues with bluetooth voice dialing on my Storm. Also don't like trying to find a contact on the BB Storm....much easier on my WinMo Treo.
My WinMo on the Omnia any more stable than on the Treo? Mine gave me constant email for hours - pull the battery and POW `15 emails flood Flash Player for BB...Opera is a pain to navigate without a trackball or stylus.
However, thanks to others on this board - the Storm virtual keyboard is now awesome! AND I LOVE getting instant email notification from any or all of my various email accounts....Push mail is horrible (or was that my Treo??).

So....I have 14 more days left in my return I return the Storm for the Omnia????

It's very tempting
Please do not return the Omnia. You will be quickly disappointed. While RSBCTrumpet has an i760, the Omnia is not the same. If you do any serious texting, enjoy instant notifactions, and staying in touch through a facebook acct., then hang on to your Storm. If you want to be frustrated daily, get the Omnia. Also, the Omnia does have an optical mouse which is great if your stationary - not so much if you drive or are on the go. This phone is great if you have little 12 year old Chinese girl fingers. Way too sensitive of a screen, again typical operation way to difficult. If the older Samsung tech is better - they should've stuck with what works! Although I didn't know about the bluetooth setting to activate while locked, it certainly wasn't a deal breaker on the Storm. As you know by now, the use as a phone is great.
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