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Old 11-16-2005, 02:16 AM   #59
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
Model: 7280
Carrier: AT&T
Posts: 3

I work in the IT branch of one of the big 2 cell phone companies. I have used and deployed Blackberry 900 series, 7280, 7290 with both Goodlink and BES. I am also currently using and deploying Good on Windows Mobile OS devices. While Good is adequate on the Palm OS it is nothing short of a disaster on the Windows device. And I will admit that windows mobile OS is every bit as buggy as its desktop counterparts, but months of testing with Good proves it to be nothing more than a not-ready-for-prime-time beta software. I bring this up only to say that I have totally lost confidence in Good's ability to produce efficient and effective software and to service the needs of their clients. This fact is documented all over the internet, mostly in the forums like this where power users are doing the critique (i.e. Good absolutely refuses to address serious issues with their software that renders other applications on the deployed device useless or seriously impotent. Its bloated installs and buggy code causes lockups on every device on the market running windows OS. None of the other 40+ 3rd party apps that I have loaded on my device cause one-tenth of the issues of the Good install. We have all but abandoned it in our 10,000+ person IT department. In all my years of software deployment I have never seen a software deployed with such an obvious lack of real-world testing. Though I am not thrilled with BES lack of features, I wouldn't put my money on Good if my life depended on it.