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Old 02-02-2009, 03:38 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by test54 View Post
Are those elective surgery waiting periods or what?

also the person who wrote the article works for the Frasier Institute which states:
"Support Greater Choice and Personal Responsibility
The Fraser Institute is a registered non-profit organization. We depend entirely on donations from people who understand the importance of impartial research and who support greater choice, less government intervention, and more personal responsibility" - not very impartial.

My rankings are form the W.H.O. - put Canada well above the US. actually puts the US only two spots above CUBA. Check the top countries and there methods of insuring their population.
You know, everyone advocating Universal Health Care always likes to cite W.H.O. as a totally impartial source, and then denigrate sources presenting conflicting information as biased. Personally, as an arm of the United Nations, I'm not inclined to take W.H.O. as impartial as you want to claim it is. In many (most?) things, the United Nations ends up being fairly anti-U.S.

You said, "check the top countries and their methods of insuring their population." I suggest you check the top countries against the home countries of those in charge at W.H.O. and their methods of insuring their population. The Director General is from China, the Deputy Director General is from Ghana, and of 11 Assistant Directors-General, 1 is from the U.S. (in charge of polio eradication.)

As I know, and I imagine you know, "statistics" can be heavily biased - in either direction - based on the biases of those constructing the methodology. I won't try to claim that Frasier Institute is completely unbiased, but I don't think its reasonable to claim that W.H.O. is unbiased either.
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