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Old 02-07-2009, 10:35 PM   #8
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Ok first off in a week they are releasing Microsoft Office for the iPhone (Just like Doc To Go)

The iPhone DOES have wifi. I can type faster on my iPhone than a normal person would on a BB. It takes getting used to like any other phone but hey at least my fingers won't get arthritis from pressing those little buttons down. All I have to do is tap the screen. The iPhone is an attention grabber as well. I understand that most people say the iPhone is a fad but it's up to you to make it original. I have mines jailbroken and I'm going to open my iPhone pretty soon and swap out the color and put a gold trim on it instead of the silver. Here's my new back housing that came in the mail!!

iPhone hands down!! You'd have so much fun with it as well unless you'd rather play brickbreaker everytime you were bored.

There are people who love phones and then there are peole that LOVE phones. I'm one of them. There's just so much potential with the iPhone.

I have powerpoint remote apps for when I do presentations in my class. I can just control everything from my iPhone. Docs to Go is coming soon. I already have copy and paste etc. Anway hope you make the right choice.

Oh yeah btw most phones that are calling in with issues in my tech dept are blackberry bolds....
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