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Old 03-25-2009, 07:59 PM   #23
CrackBerry Addict
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: NJ, USA
Model: 8900
Carrier: T-Mobile
Posts: 726

I installed .199 last night, charged the phone overnight, and it's been running on battery about 14 hours today. It was 2.5 hours on bluetooth (with a couple of long calls), with about 10 or 11 hours on UMA and the rest on EDGE. Several calls today (UMA and EDGE with BT), a couple of dozen text msgs, a couple of dozen emails. BBWeather and Viigo running all day. Battery is down to 65% now, after 14 hours of use.

This is OK, but I think I actually did a bit better with .174, although this is clearly not a scientific approach, just my impressions.

As I reported a few days ago, I've found that UMA is rock solid in my home, in my public library, in Panera, in BestBuy (they have unprotected WiFi sessions open) and a couple of other spots. At home office, it seems our SonicWall wifi access point is set in such a way that my 8900 can't hold onto a UMA session, but keeps reverting back to EDGE. Whatever is causing this, all other wireless devices we've tried connect to the SonicWall happily - and stay connected (although this is the only UMA device in the office).

I had the problem with .174, and also still have it with .199.

Aside from this: I'm showing about 130MB free, having started the morning with 139MB free. I haven't been logging these figures, so I really don't know if that's any better or worse than the situation with .174

Overall, it seems fine -- doesn't cure everything, but it seems solid and zippy.
Be water my friend...
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