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Old 03-31-2009, 11:09 AM   #78
New Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Model: storm
Carrier: verizon
Posts: 1

My girlfriend and i just upgraded our phones. She got a Storm and i picked up an Omnia. We figure we could play with eachothers phones and if we really like the other we could switch.

So far it looks like we are sticking with our original choices. I text message alot (maybe 9k a month) and i like how the Omnia lists text messages like an IM window. If the Storm does that also i just haven't figured it out yet.

And yes you can search through your contacts on an Omnia just like any other phone. Also the x in the top right acts as a back button on an Omnia. That also applies if your using internet explorer. If your using the Opera browser simply click the arrow on the botom to bring up the controls for the back button.

We have only been playing with the 2 for a day now so we'll see where we land.
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