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Old 04-08-2009, 01:58 PM   #11
CrackBerry Addict
Join Date: Jan 2008
Model: 8830
Carrier: verizon
Posts: 755

Ah, you have brought up an issue I did fail to address but that has been discussed before - NO DATA.

That really depends on the software. MOST of the Voice navigation systems do rely on data to show you the map and give you a route or correct your route. So DEAD-ZONES (I do like those commercials) can be a real issue.

One fine point I have no idea about and only speculate is does the data need to be computed and routed on some server with the full maps and then sent back or is the route computation occurring on the BB? I know the Verizon Navigator takes a bit too long in urban streets if you miss a turn it may not know for a block or two and then calcs another block or two to get you back on route. My standalone is very fast but then, unless you update your maps however often, you will have older maps - still work (unless they've removed that bridge) so in growing locales, you may be at a loss. But even companies that produce new maps are always lagging behind reality - it is not easy mapping, compiling and coding this stuff on a quick, regular basis. Go to any standalone gps forum and read about "old" maps and/or bad or inferior routing. Nothing is perfect.

No Data: There are a few alternatives but they only provide mapping and no routing - Trekbuddy and MobileGmaps (NOT google) both allow you to download maps in advance (you need to know where you will be) and compile them and then use them. With a standalone gps (bluetooth) they get the satellite data and can show you your position and with maps, it would be like a paper map - you can see where you are and depending on the map detail you loaded what are the nearby roads.

That's for driving. There are also programs for geocaching (game for searching for places/objects) and just recording your route (like bread crumbs) and/or sharing it with someone.

I would say that my tomtom (now at least a year old) is still better in most respects than anything available on the BB. But the BB is always with me whereas tomtom is reserved for longer distant travel or when I'm going to an unfamiliar area. But BB browses the web and can dial or route to a place I find serendipitously. Tradeoffs..........
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