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Old 04-09-2009, 12:31 AM   #36
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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I'm surprised this is even an argument. I've owned both and I have to say, nothing compares to the apps available on the iPhone. I'm not talking about dumb apps (i.e. iFart, iBeer, etc), I'm talking about actual useful apps such as banking, news, weather, games.. Are absolutely gorgeous on the iPhone.

Compare the same application on both platforms and you will see how much fluid and practical it is on the iPhone. Case in point, Beejive.

Most of the hate comes from people who have never really used one and the 5 minutes at the retail store doesn't even do justice. I may sound like an Apple fanboy.. But I have been a BB user for quite some time now and Apple has won me over. I do prefer the BB's design (physical keyboard > touch), I hate the feel of having to always plug in my iPhone due to horrible battery life and I've had my iPhone replaced several times as the device isn't built like a tank as most BB's are.

With the recent launch of the BlackBerry App store, I'm optimistic for RIM as well.

Having had my iPhone stolen.. It's a chance to go back to BlackBerry now. There were a lot of times when I did have my iPhone that I wished I hadn't gotten one.. and other times, I was like a fat kid with a cup cake. I already miss some of the apps though. I'll wait and see what Apple has to offer in terms of new hardware in June/July to see if I'll jump back or stay with the BB Bold.

Last edited by sabrewulf; 04-09-2009 at 12:35 AM..
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