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Old 04-16-2009, 08:11 PM   #7
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Apr 2009
Model: 9530
Carrier: verizon wirless
Posts: 18

Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry storm 9530)

Originally Posted by DanCLE
If I use the .122 that just got released from Bell, and tomorrow or next week Verizon rolls out .122, will they be exactly the same? Or does the OS differ between carriers? Basically what I am getting at is if I load the .122 from Bell, would there be any reason to wipe that and install the Verizon .122 when it comes out?
Forgive me if I have confused anyone. Please reply!
I'm in the same boat as you actually. If this does happen I plan to downgrade and then install the official from verizon. Reason being I want my warranty. I have been waiting for the to release the update so I can take my phone in and get the click checked. And I'm not willing to downgrade to .75 nope never doing that. I like being able to use my phone but I also like my warranty. Other than that .122 is really nice. Its faster and the keyboard actually keeps up with me now. The new selection tool for copy and paste is hard to get use to because I'm coming from .109 but this is a huge improvement been over that.
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