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Old 05-20-2009, 04:21 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by rurapente View Post
Up until 2 weeks ago, I was the proud owner of an iphone 16GB 3G. Until it wa stolen.

I found it too hard to get a new one at suppliers near me so I bought the Blackberry Curve 8900. I did try the Storm in the shop, but after an iphone that Storm's touch screen felt like skating in a dessert vs on ice.

So here's my 2c.

Text Messaging
iphone : 5/10
8900 : 9/10
its no contest here, the messaging ability of the blackberry is by far superior. Yes iphone 3.0 software will make that difference smaller but still wont push it past the bb.

Phone Usage
iphone : 8/10
8900 : 7/10
The only reason the iphone scored more points for me is that i could dial out of the phone book in about 1 key presses (to get the phonebook up). unless I dont know how to use my 8900, its a 10-key process to get to menu, phonebook etc. etc. [EDIT - it was my stupidity. ill make this a tie ]

Media Player
iphone : 10/10
8900 : do i really even need to explain this?
Syncing music with blackberry is a mission of note. the player interface is very very far from intuitive and the same headphones showed worse sound quality on the same music files synced from itunes - which took about 2h to get right. (files not modified)

iphone : 8/10
8900 : 9/10
Although the iphone had qwerty, and one monster of an amazing touch-screen, having the buttons will always be a winner. Plus the auto-lock of the blackberry in its pouch is very, very handy

iphone : 10/10
8900 : 0/10

Unfortunately RIM's great idea of not allowing South Africans access to the app store is the dumbest thing I've heard. If anything, this will shoot down a blackberry vs iphone choice in my mind.

Battery Life
iphone : 6/10
8900 : 8/10

So far the BB is posting much higher life than my iphone. You can argue various technological reasons for the iphone but im talking strictly usability here.

iphone : 8/10
8900 : 8/10

iphone says "i'm modern, in touch with my entertainment and technology". 8900 says "i'm modern, in touch with my business and technology". i would say looks are irrelevant in this segment.

iphone : 5/10
8900 : 8/10

Both phones handle being dropped pretty well. The iphone loses points cause that nice metal back scratches quicker than a 2yr old with a razor blade.

My Verdict
iphone : 8/10
8900 : 8/10

The fact is, if I had to choose between these two phones, I just could not. Where one fails, the other excels. and vice-versa. Its a hard choice as both are very mature, they run well and do their jobs perfectly.

If I had to give one piece of advise on choice, if you want to look good, iphone. If you want to spend less and get similar if not better business abilities - blackberry.

Time for coffee.
I have a blackberry, my wife has an iphone, I think that sums it up.
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