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Old 07-28-2009, 02:36 PM   #49
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Model: 8900
Carrier: Cincinnati bell
Posts: 4

Okay i loaded it doing a complete wipe first then the os and this was a nice release i guess you could say a lot of new features even from the .100 version but way more bugs i found at least so i loaded 4.6.1 back on. here is what i have found

here is a little review for the 8900 version
-Tabbed browsing
- vibe and ring and other new profile features( read more about it below though)
-custom dictionary is back in the menu which i found as a plus
- predictive txt was a tad different from just having the words pop up sometimes
-battery life was actually very good
-scroll through your pictures
- some new fonts and could go down to 5 size font
-memory status was nice so you could see where and how your memory is being used
-event sounds for when you power on and off your phone and plug in your charger

-When you go into the profiles it is similar to the .100 but one more feature is added vibrate and ring simultaneously, the problem i found was even after you saved it the red led light would flash as if you had a txt until l your back to the home screen

-i didnt actually see anything even in the options about mms either and couldn't receive multimedia messages... which was a litte annoying

-the browser and the pointer were a little buggy when it came to typing in text input boxes

-apps obviously is a downfall but its still beta what can you do, but along with that people need to realize facebook doesnt work bc the version 1.6 doenst support 5.0 os. its like anything else like programs and windows 7 some programs just wont work that are meant for lets say windows xp bc its coded different and not compatible and from what i keep reading i feel like people think its blackberry's fault when its really the app vendor the majority of the time

-sometimes my vibrate would work and my tone wouldnt go off or sometimes i would just see my light flashing and have a few txts and never felt or heard a thing

so in all its an alright release to be honest liked .100 a lot better stability wise but the new features were a definite plus. and think RIM still has some work to do though. tell me if anybody else was having any of these problems or any more to add that i might of forgot lol
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