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Old 09-17-2009, 01:37 PM   #443
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Model: 8100
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Posts: 8
Default profile "snoozer"

I'm looking for a very simple app that will allow me to put my blackberry in vibrate mode, but will automatically reset it back to normal after a specified time.

I know there are a few profile switcher applications, but none are quite this simple. Most require an amount of scheduling or coordination with the calendar. I want something that I can set a temporary profile very quickly.

Ideally, I would click on the application icon and be presented with a "snooze" time that I could easily change by scrolling up/down with the track ball. When I have the time (say 1 hr), then I click. The app then automatically puts my blackberry in a predefined profile (e.g. vibrate). After the time is expired, the application automatically returns it to the previous (or preset) profile.

There are numerous times when I put my blackberry in vibrate mode, and then forget to put it back in normal mode. At home, I don't always carry it with me, and I'll miss the phone since I cannot hear the vibrate.
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