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Old 10-08-2009, 04:08 PM   #6
New Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Model: 8320
Carrier: T-Mobile
Posts: 1

I have wasted so much time now trying to correctly sync my Calendar Events, Contacts, Tasks & Notes between my BB Curve 8320 and Entourage on my Macbook Pro. It shouldn't be this way. I have iSync Services on, although I do not subscribe to Mobile Me, nor does iSync recognize my Curve. And Ixxx8217;ve selected "Add events created on BB device to Entourage. However, I get plenty of inconsistencies.

For instance, If I move appointments in Entourage, sometimes they show up moved in iCal, and sometimes they donxxx8217;t. If they are moved in iCal, they will show up moved on my Curve after I sync. If they remain in iCal, they remain on my Curve. So clearly this sounds like a communication error between Entourage and iCal. The only way I've been able to resolve this is by deleting all events in iCal, then having iSync build the list again.

Ixxx8217;ve also received double notes on my Curve, but they only show up once in Entourage. I donxxx8217;t have Entourage Notes syncing with Mobile Me checked since I donxxx8217;t have Mobile Me. So how is the BB syncing with Entourage? And why are the notes doubling? And why does RIM release something without having solutions for us?
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