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Old 01-03-2006, 05:19 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by nb_mitch
My response wasn't hostile at all, just oposite of your position, so it seemed hostile to YOU. It isn't a big deal for the "I"s of the world, who could care less about everyone around them, but then for those who actually attempt to use the forum properly, it floods the forum with meaningless threads. When you do a search and get a few thousand hits, it does matter.
I still can't agree with your position. I just searched, individually, for 'backlight' and 'power'. Came up with 307 & 500 hits, respectively. Better search criteria would yield better results, so I wouldn't say the forum is flooded with meaningless threads.

My position is, why penalize someone who has registered on the site, has a valid question, and who has searched and found no answers, simply because they are new to the site.

It would be interesting to hear the opinions of jibi, Rejhon, & other heavy users think.