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Old 01-17-2010, 06:48 PM   #11
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Model: 9000
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Posts: 12

RIM makes great devices. Their hardware is excellent. However, these days having a great hardware is only one part of the equation. I owned a Razr, the hardware was great! Slim sexy form factor that enclosed one of the worst software experiences of its day. But did I care? No, because all I did on my phone at that point in time was send the odd text message and talk. Now our mobiles are the center of our lives (well mine is at least). It is used for everything from playing games to watching videos. My Bold is great for messaging and talking just like my Razr was. But as soon as I want to hit the web, play a game, listen to music or watch a video I run face first into possibly the worst Smartphone O/S out there (well, windows mobile sucks harder). If RIM expects to be completive in the consumer market two years down the road it absolutely needs to rethink their software platform. And unless they do I will never buy a blackberry again. Hello Android! You look sexy!
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