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Old 02-23-2010, 12:20 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by CharredPC View Post
So, once again, you know best- more than those employed by T-Mobile- because...?

I don't know that I'm "skirting" any policy. In fact, I have a lot of evidence to the contrary. I walked into a T-Mobile affiliate store, and was told the requirements needed to upgrade a phone. I did so with no problem. I then walked into an official T-Mobile store to upgrade a second phone, and they verified the exact same information. I'm sure your experiences differ, but from everything I've been told, T-Mobile is very aware of and completely cool with this situation. At what point in this story am I running away laughing sinisterly, having 'gotten away' with anything?

This might not be common in your area, but as I said, the wireless store at the mall hooks up about half their BlackBerry upgrades this way. I doubt they'd still be in business (or, at least not as a licensed T-Mobile affiliate) if what they were doing was so "against the rules." Plus, again, the official T-Mobile store concurred with this policy, and happily did the same exact thing for a second line / phone. So in your book, I should run back and yell at all of them (plus some phone support reps) that they don't know how to do their jobs, and I'm better informed about their jobs than they are because... "dc/dc on the internet told me so?"

No offense, but you're text text on a screen, apparently physically located halfway around the world from me, without any authority except perhaps in this forum; without any knowledge save your personal experience. I'm sorry if I take the word of those with the actual control over my account, locally employed by my phone company over your opinion.

And while I'm sure you've had several thousand factual, helpful posts in this particular forum, this doesn't strike me as one of your more pleasant or enlightening. You've assigned yourself the task of 'fixing' a non-problem because for some reason it irritates you enough to accuse me of being dishonest and wishing me ill will I didn't comment here to provide some sort of outlet for your frustrations or misery, I did so relevantly in reply to the OP, who asked about cheaper data plan coverage. Hasn't this thread been cr@pped on enough? Fine, let me wave a great big "YMMV" disclaimer, and we can all move on, okay?
Wow. I'm sorry you typed all that. All you had to say was, "My eyes are glued shut and my mind is closed." That would have said the same thing in less words.
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