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Old 03-09-2010, 10:43 PM   #202
Thumbs Must Hurt
Join Date: Nov 2007
Model: Bold
Carrier: Rogers
Posts: 109

RIM right now reminds me of Palm circa 2000, who built up a huge lead in their particular market then sat back and let the competitors eat their lunch. Amongst the challenges RIM's facing today are a stagnant OS, a terrible browser, zero third party developer interest, total network failures, the most expensive data plans on earth, products like Good empowering the competition with previously-unassailable BES features, and top execs publicly spouting nonsense about conserving bandwidth like some pundit in 1995 claiming the internet would collapse if people streamed video over it.

I wish I knew how they could turn things around, but it doesn't matter as I fully expect RIM to keep their blinders firmly in place, cranking out one hardware form factor after another while Rome burns.
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