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Old 04-05-2010, 06:05 AM   #15
CrackBerry Addict
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Originally Posted by MaxPayne79 View Post
I pay money for a device and service to make sure these "lab monkeys" as how u essentially described them, release proper software that functions.
No,I wasn't referring to RIM, although i suspect a 12 billion revenue company with worldwide presence would operate the same release engineering cycles and scheduling engineers are taught to follow in all respectable engineering schools in the country.
Im not concerned with maintaining changelongs and 4 9s availability...
I know. We've established that. That's the reason you can afford experimenting with pre-release code. You're a hobbyist that's playing around with tech. Anybody that was using BB as a mission critical part of their business infrastructure wouldn't consider touching pre-release code with a six foot pole.
i am however concerned with paying 500 dollars for a phone that lasts 3.5 hours on a single battery charge and has software that kinda sorta maybe works while paying 40 dollars a month to use that software, know what im sayin.
I understand what you're saying. What i don't understand is why you continue being a customer on a platform that keeps performing so poorly for you. Maybe you should go back to the drawing board and try to find a communication solution that matches and performs better on the production task you wish to accomplish.
Where ever i go, people tell me im stuck in the 90s with my bold and tell me to use an iphone.
I would advice to rate the platform on merit of performance rather than public opinion. Shiny-toys peer pressure of the sort belongs to a schoolyard.
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