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Old 04-09-2010, 06:35 AM   #10
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Apr 2010
Model: 9700
Carrier: Telia
Posts: 18

It's tend to be used as a business device, I've been using an iPhone for a long time now and there are a lot of flaws, I got a lot of friends with Blackberries that luckily had carriers that supported the Blackberry Data Plan, without actually stating that it was nessesary anywhere.

This is the first time I've encountered a problem like this and I change mobile/smartphone/pda once or twice per year, never ever have I experienced that the carrier need to SUPPORT the cellphone, it should be the other way around really. Guess it's just a way for BB to earn some extra cash. However, this is OT and doesn't help me solve my problem.

I have a blackberry with a generic data plan on a carrier that does not provide a service book for BB. Help me solve the problem instead of continuing this meaningless argument on if I did the right thing or not Before I bought the phone.

I guess this is why Sweden never really cought on using Blackberry.. We don't like to have our hands tied and have everyone else tell us what to use and when to use it.
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