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Old 06-14-2010, 11:59 PM   #108
CrackBerry Addict
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Motorola V300.

I loved the phone, but so many problems. I had it replaced 9 times. That is not an exaggeration.

One time it was a DOA (device wouldn't charge). Surprisingly, I didn't have charging issues like many did. Mine was mainly audio issues and screen issues. Common issue with the audio going out when I answer a phone call. It was annoying, wouldn't connect. Also a common problem of the screen going white whenever I flip the phone open or close, sometimes it would just shut off.

Funny thing, this was actually common with any Motorola I had. I went and got the V330 (newer version). Don't recall that I ever had the audio problem but did have the screen blank problem. This sucker got replaced about 5 times, one being a DOA phone that I received.

My first motorola, the V66 was great though, not a problem until I spilled alcohol on it and killed the screen. This was a pretty good phone, I smashed the LCD once, and went and bought a new LCD. Thing lasted a while.

Since the V330, i've only used blackberrys. If you want to know the worst blackberry i've had....I would have to say the Curve 8320.(this really isn't saying much cause its been almost problem free). That one got replaced a few times due to build quality, cheap housing. Other than that, it was great along with every other BB that i've had (no other ones have ever had to be replaced or repaired.)

Last edited by BallHawk3; 06-15-2010 at 12:02 AM..
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