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Old 07-12-2010, 11:00 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Inkspot View Post
I visited RIM and discussed the issue with a certified and experienced Tech he was given a copy of this thread and he was concerned that these two are answering questions incorrectly and they are answering with a "BASH THE PERSON DOWN ATTITUDE" he feels that they should end it with "WE THINK and not WE KNOW".
How do you know that NJBB, Penguin or I are not RIM "certified and experienced techs"?

Originally Posted by Inkspot View Post
He knows that when on these forums be very concerned about the answers you receive. Most answers are correct but you will get the incorrect answer from time to time. "Instead of helping you these two are criticizing you and there is no need for this on a forum".
I assume that he gives correct answers 100% of the time, right? I know I deal with RIM support quite often and there are times when they are wrong. For instance, recently they told me to upgrade my GW client on my BES to a recent FTF client. Doing so crapped out my BES and no one on the server was receiving messages. I asked if I should revert back to a previous client and they said not to, that the issue will work itself out if given enough time. Never did. Had to revert back to a previous client to correct the issue.
Originally Posted by Inkspot View Post
"Please call our Technical Department if you would like to receive the correct answers".
You know that if you don't have a support contract with RIM, you will be paying a lot of money for these calls, right?
Originally Posted by Inkspot View Post
"We at RIM should regulate these forums and the people who choose to answer your questions, remember that a lot of these answers will come from a Technician but many answers will come from people who feel that since they own a Blackberry they know it inside and out and they don't".
I do agree with a lot of people feel they can answer some questions given that they have the device, however, more often then not, when a user gives an incorrect answer, someone else will correct them with the right answer. You haven't seen that in this thread because there haven't been any incorrect answers thus far. Like it or not.
Originally Posted by Inkspot View Post
"Even technicians will get things wrong"

"People lie about their credentials"

"Please remember that these are everyday people answering your questions and often they will reply even if they have no clue"
Again, technicians do get things wrong from time to time as I explained above. People may lie about their credentials, just like the guy you spoke to could have lied to you about his. Yet, you choose to take his word over everyone else's, why?

People do answer when they haven't a clue what the solution is, again, that isn't the case in this thread.
Originally Posted by Inkspot View Post
"Please call us with any of your questions or concerns do not get your answers from unknown sources, these strangers may not always have the right answers"
Again, with no support contract, have your wallet ready.
Originally Posted by Inkspot View Post

His feelings about your reply:

"Typically American, bash a Canadian and turn it around".

Thanks again for nothing!
And this part I believe is a direct shot at me, which is fine.

I didn't bash you, I didn't turn anything around. But my question for you is what did you "certified and expeirenced" RIM tech say the issue was? Where did he say that the answers we gave you were wrong? You know the issue was on you, you assumed Password Keeper used your device password when it doesn't and never has. The issue is still with you. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't make it wrong.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
When you take things for granted, the things you are granted, get taken.
Even a mosquito doesn't get a pat on the back until it starts to work.
Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.
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