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Old 08-13-2010, 05:22 PM   #24
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Join Date: Jan 2005
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Model: Torch
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Posts: 122
Default Day 3 and growing on me. . . . .

I'm liking it more, the more used to it I become. One thing I saw in a recent review that hit the nail on the head is that the relatively low res screen is no big deal, despite the caterwauling of the tech press. Because given the screen size, a higher res would render characters so fine and small as to be a considerable strain. I have a variety of PC/Laptop monitors with varying specs and capabilities, and I've noticed over time that the high end, hi res stuff becomes a resource hog and a pain in the eyes and neck, other than when you're doing some thing specific to hi-res. The Torch display specs seem well suited to the Torch form. I can't help but wish for a little more in the processor end, however.

But gripes aside it allows a high degree of personalization, which means for me stripping out a lot of bloaty fluff. I have no doubt there's an app for that, but I do doubt whether there's a need for that. I figure it will be a few weeks before I wrestle the whole set-up into optimal shape, but I can tell already its a step up because I'm doing more faster. I also figure that since this is RIM's first full foray into browsing and with a new hybrid touch/track/keyboard system, and it being the initial iteration, the few hiccups I've encountered will be smoothed out in subsequent leaks and rollouts. If anything, I've been surprised how well my old apps have ported over, even when they weren't designed to go 6.0 and I was warned that they wouldn't.

Its too early to say if its the best BlackBerry ever, but it may well be. I also think its a solid start to build on for the faster processing units in the pipeline. I've never been sold on the Pop-tart form of the Iphones and Droids, and as they flatten out toward tablets, they aren't growing any on me. We will have to see how the screen and slide hold up to wear and tear, but I do think RIM has come up with a refinement of an old idea (portrait slider) that works more functionally than either the pure touch screen or the landscape slider. At least for someone who pushes a lot of text to and from their phone.
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