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Old 08-31-2010, 01:34 AM   #42
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Posts: 47

Thanks to JEEpers and other people who have provided suggestions on this thread. I have successfully installed the Simplified and Traditional Chinese fonts, and Japanese fonts, plus Stroke Chinese and Wubihua input to Torch.

Since I am not so technically familiar with Blackberry, I will make a layman's account of what I did: (all of the procedures have been described by JEEpers and others)

- installed AT&T OS v. again (since I could not find the relvant folder mentioned by JEEpers),
- followed the instructions to copy the relevant .alx and .cod files to the respective folders
- launch the loader.exe to install the OS
- chose the fonts and inputs that I needed

Everything seems to work!

I chose to stick to the .141 version rather than .135 version because .141 is officially supported and came with the Torch. If above proceure did not work, I had planned to just install the .135

Remaining issue will be to find suitable Pinyin input for both Simplified and Traditional Chinese......

Glad that the 10 plus hours that I spent searching for solution have paid off, thanks to many of you, especially JEEpers.

Good luck to those waiting to try.....

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