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Old 10-21-2010, 03:55 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Rhyalus View Post
Somewhat off topic, I always put "Reward for return with email address" in the Owner field under Options just in case something like this happens to me.

Props to the OP for trying so hard to return it.

That's ok if someone can access the machine - but if it is locked, that's not a lot of use.

I think a sticker on the battery might be best. I only use a low-end phone myself - about £20 on pre-pay, as I don't make much use of it. If i lose the phone, it would not be the end of my world. But I think if I had a decent phone, I'd stick a note on the battery.

I carry a laptop around a lot with me (Sony Vaio), on which I have installed OpenSolaris. So anyone finding that would have one hell of a time trying to get the information from the ZFS file systems.

I think I'll put a sticker with my name/address on the bottom and offer a reward for its return.

I seem to be getting somewhere with this Blackberry. I found the phone number, and have reported it to VodaPhone, who have told me the phone is a corporate phone, but they appear to have no email or other contact details. As I pointed out to them, someone must be paying for it, and the phone has been taken offline in the last 12 hours, so they must have some contact information. Apparently they will investigage and email me within the next 24-48 hours. I'm a bit surprised they can't resolve it quicker, but I've done all I can reasonably do.

I also emailed the lost property office of the phone company, and gave them most of the phone number, but not the last 3 digits, saying I would return it to anyone able to tell me the last 3 digits of the phone number. But I've not get any response from them yet.

Anyway, I'm certainly going to put a label on my laptop, as unlike my mobile phone, I would be a bit annoyed if I lost that.


PS, I had to change the wording of your quote a bit, as I'm not allowed to post email addresses. This forum is a bit draconian, but I guess it is to stop spammers.
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