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Old 10-31-2010, 01:04 AM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Model: 8900
Carrier: Rogers
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Default No Data for a Week now

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I woke up last sunday not receiving any email. I thought it was a minor problem and thought it would fix itself later until I realize my husband's blackberry was receiving email and BBM. I asked him to send me an email and BBM to which I received none of them. I tried sending an email and BBM to no avail. I am able to place a call and SMS....

I called Rogers twice and after 45 minutes each email still doesn't work....very frustrating....

I read on the internet that it could be my PIN was I called Rogers again and asked them if my PIN was deactivated...the rep said that she checked and can see that it is still active...she tells me to try my SIM in another blackberry...if it works then the my blackberry is broken and I have to buy a new one...I put my SIM in my husbands blackberry and realize that the email, BBM and data is working fine.....

What else can I check? Do you think my PIN is disabled for whatever reason?

This is very frustrating.....I had the Javelin since launch and was not thinking of replacing it any time soon....I just feel like this is Rogers way to money grab and force me to purchase a new phone

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