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Old 11-09-2010, 03:24 PM   #1
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Default Need Help from the Google Apps Admins

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I am transitioning to Google Apps, I have bes 5.02 running with the new Bes connector 3.0. I am usually fairly leary of running something that came out a week ago but with Google Apps you kind of have no choice.. Anyways. I am trying to figure out the best way to migrate all of the handhelds. Currently the only way I can see that works reliably is to wipe the device, remove the user from the old bes and provision on new bes. Enterprise activation on new bes. Problem is, the Google apps bes will only bring down the users email, contacts and calendar. So what do I do about the people who use things like notes and password keeper? Is the only solution to manually back these up first using desktop manager and then restoring them after the device is active on the new bes? This will be like pulling teeth with some users.. Further to that.. Even if that is the case, do I have any options for wirelessly backing up the device periodically? Once restored, the notes and password keeper would no longer be synching to the bes server so if you lose your handheld you lose that portion of your data. Telling people to manually backup their blackberries is not going to down very well so I am hoping there are other solutions to these issues!?
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