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Old 11-22-2010, 06:20 PM   #13
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Default Re: HELP PLEEAASE BB Curve 8900

Originally Posted by AhmedNYC1 View Post
Guess what people, I traveled back to NYC along with my BB along with my final attempt. I go to one of the mobile stores in NYC and explained my problem. They said that they couldn't help me, and that if I get this last attempt wrong, all my data will be lost. Anyhow,while I was still at the store, and after giving up, I went ahead and punched in my password for the 7th and final attempt, and guess what, MY PHONE UNLOCKED ITSELF, YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH BBBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYY.
Don't ask me how and what happened, because I have no idea, all I know is that it worked and I didn't lose my 1500 plus contacts.
What's the first thing I did? That's right baby, I backed up those suckers.I've learned my lesson, shooot...

Anyhow, I just wanted to say thank you all for your feedback, and hopefully I WILL NOT be asking you for help regarding this same problem , HAHAHA,

Cheers everyone
I'm replying to help out anyone that is in a similar situation.

If you put in the wrong password over and over, eventually you'll be asked to typed "blackberry" and eventually you'll be able to see the text rather than the ***'s. This is normal.

In the OP's case, on the 7th attempt he said that the device restarted and all his contacts were there. This is not normal. What likely happened was the device wiped, restarted and restored his contacts from a My Backup service or something similar provided by his service provider. Or he happened to key in the password right on the 7th time.

What Im' getting at is do not expect your content to be there after that last attempt. A wipe clears all user data on the device, and can be configured to wipe the removable memory card too.
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