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Old 01-31-2011, 05:41 PM   #14
George Burdell
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Default Re: Activation Without

It does, indeed, state that. I think I'm starting to get a handle on things:

* BIS means that RIM will reject queries/updates/push-requests/foo because you aren't paying them for the push service

* Blackberry software does not include a pull or polling mechanism (presumably so that RIM can sell more subscriptions)

* WiFi activation fails if you are using BIS because your BB will contact BES, which will use its TCP connection (the one it opened OUT of the local network) to RIM on 3101. RIM will then ignore the activation request because you aren't paying them for the push notifications.

* A Blackberry Enterprise activation produces a mapping between the handheld and the SRP. Because RIM's architecture is so heavily push-based, they REQUIRE that mapping to be in place before permitting a successful activation.

* Activation emails are likely not appearing in the user's inbox for one of two reasons: either RIM requires that SMTP work for the target mail-server and sends the email directly from, or because BES is failing (silently, I might add) in the process before it gets to the point of sending any emails to the user.

If those points are correct, then it only leaves the question of whether or not I have to punch a hole in the firewall for port 25 (SMTP). I'm a developer, and all this is happening in a lab, so I would much prefer not to have to open up the firewall for my little test setup.

Thanks for all the help guys.
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