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Old 02-16-2011, 12:00 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Model: 9800
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Default Re: Emails not received on Blackberry until it is unlocked.

Interesting explanations and likely correct.

However, my comments come from experience and RIM Premier Support.

I have many users that work in a secure locations that do not allow any mobile communication device to enter.

These users normally leave their BBs in a locker and when they return of course they are locked however their radios are on and technically the device should still be receiving email; but they do not.

As soon as they unlock the device they receive all emails that were sent during their shift, but not before they unlock the device. RIM informed me that this was due to "Content Protection" being enabled and that BES was functioning as designed. The explanation provided was that the emails could not be decrypted while the device was locked due to the Content Protection.

Of course, I'm open minded and willing to learn if there is a better explanation. Plus, if there is a solution, I would be thrilled to learn it.

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