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Old 04-15-2011, 07:40 AM   #5
BlackBerry Extraordinaire
Join Date: Jan 2006
Model: LEZ10
OS: 10.0.10
Carrier: Rogers CA
Posts: 1,704
Default Re: Unable to access the internet in my device wifi

Older OSes didn't need servicebooks to enable WiFi browsing and devices with those OSes could use WiFi without a data plan for browsing the web. But the system was complicated and difficult for some people who were paying for BlackBerry data plans to understand. So RIM evolved the way a network transport is selected. Staring IIRC in 4.6 until by 6.0 it is fully automatic and you need the support of the RIM operations centre, servicebooks (which only come from cariers) and a BlackBerry data plan for it to work.
My other Blackberry is a PlayBook.
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