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Old 07-04-2011, 06:09 AM   #5
Magic Bananas
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Default Re: HILARIOUS / AMAZING - 2 yr old testing PlayBook and iPad

So let me get this straight... this guy gives his kid a PlayBook and he slaps the screen and cries, which somehow proves that the PlayBook is worthless. He then gives his kid an iPad, and he "almost instantly" figures it out, goes to the video app, and watches a movie? And we are supposed to believe that the kid has no prior experience with the iPad?

That's crap.

If the kid can touch an icon to start the video app on the iPad, he could also touch an icon to start the video app on the PlayBook. Besides, it doesn't help that this movie appears to be made on a Mac. I smell a set-up and an agenda, and I would bet a paycheck that dad taught his kid to act like a moron when using the PlayBook just to try and prove his point.

Semper Fi 3/2/2
"Wow" is now overused. Therefore, I will use "Magic bananas" instead.

Last edited by ifonline; 07-04-2011 at 06:11 AM..
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