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Old 07-22-2011, 11:30 AM   #18
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Default Re: Who else is really dissapointed?

I disagree that the PlayBook is a flop. Has it out-sold iPad, no, not by a long shot but it is selling. Also I find that comparing the devices is like comparing an apple to an orange (or Blackberry?). There are similarities for sure but what is inside is very, very different. Of course this is just an opinion of an average consumer and not a Techie person. I have a PlayBook and I am blown away by it as is every single "average" person I have shown it to or allowed them to play around with it. Biggest problem for PlayBook is marketing. Nobody knows what it actually does; they are only hearing what it doesn't do or comparison's against the iPad. It is not an apple. It will never be one but what it actually is, is amazing as far as I am concerned. I love mine. Worth every single penny to this average consumer. Again, just my two cents.
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