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Old 10-12-2011, 08:09 AM   #70
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Jan 2008
Model: 9380
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Posts: 26
Default Re: 10 october 2011 EMEA outages ?

Originally Posted by johnny_boy_uk View Post
BES data has stopped working reliably here for me in the UK as of around 7pm Tue 11th October. Emails in both directions over BES are either very delayed (deliver over an hour later) or they don't deliver at all. BB handhelds always think the emails failed to send (red X) even if they did deliver but were delayed. Changes made in the rest of the PIM - Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Notes seem to fail (no successful changes noticed in testing yet).

BB handhelds are on Orange UK and have Uppercase signal strength, there are no MS Exchange issues - IEMSTest.exe on a BB User's mailbox is fully successful, the Internet connection is working, Test Network Connection to on port 3101 is Successful, Test SQL Server Connection is Successful, and yes I've taken the battery out and put it back in!

BIS data is working fine on BB handhelds however and has been for the duration of the EMEA outage.

I hope RIM have this fixed by the morning or I'm in for a bad day!

Here's an update 18 hours on from when I first noticed BES data delays of over an hour on my User's handhelds. Things have improved in that delays sending/receiving email are now between a few minutes and around 20 minutes and I can perform Lookups against the GAL to put names in the TO: field when creating a new email (last night Lookups would time-out).

I do however still have an unusually high number of Pending Data Packets (Messages) awaiting delivery to handhelds and it's rising so I think my 75 handhelds must be experiencing varying and random lengths of delays.

I am wondering if the BES data delays are a result of the huge backlog of BIS data that RIM is having to process after the BIS outage? I'm also wondering if the fact that some countries are still having a BIS outage means the delays for BES data will continue until all the BIS problems have been fixed?

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