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Old 10-22-2011, 07:15 PM   #32
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Default Re: New BBX OS may be a Problem

Originally Posted by hrbuckley View Post
In fact there has for some time been a move to put a number of OS functions of Linux into user space, user mode file systems for example.
If you think Linux is going in the direction of microkernels, you must be on crack.
Microkernels were created because it is too difficult to write bug-free code. Instead of coming up with better software languages, tools and practices they chose to reduce the size of the kernel so that there would be fewer bugs to contend with. The reason why there are so many bugs in software in the first place is that it is a practice carried out by blind cave-men using stone tools as implements.
Software is not a science. The mathematicians called it a science. But mathematicians don't know what science is. They don't even know what mathematics is. Calling the practice Computer Science does't mean it is a science.
So the main reason microkernels were created is that software i some kind of voodoo. The real solution is to use scientific methods and come up with a language that will allow you to write reliable code easily.
Most software projects are either cancelled, unusable, unreliable, too expensive, outdated etc. There is a lot of unhappiness among its users. This situation is unparalleled in human activity and completely irrational.
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