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Old 02-20-2006, 09:26 AM   #957
BlackBerry Extraordinaire
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Originally Posted by ProWithAFoDo
Anyone have any useful tips on using the Plazmic Theme Builder?
PIN: 400AB182
Top 10 list:

1. Read the documentation/manual/Help files
2. Examine the samples folder, pay close attention to sizes.
3. Find a 3rd party graphic program to use. Elements, Psp or alike.
4. Start simple
5. Test b4 posting (saves headaches later)
6. When changing icons look at the catigory and ask yourself? Does this icon fit? (don't use a printer icon where an email icon needs to be)
7. If posting try to specify which model it's for and include a screen shot.
8. Did i mention start simple?
9. Start simple
10. Most important! Have fun. Let your imagination run amuck and as always mill about smartly.

my 1/2 cents worth
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