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Old 05-02-2012, 09:03 PM   #1
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Default To Save Rim, Remove Head From Ass

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I'm a business owner who recently came back to RIM currently using a 9900. I use all apple products, (macbook, iMac, Ipad etc) I have owned iPhone, and more recently an LG Optimus (android) and yet I'm back to blackberry. I think this is my 7th.

Saving this company is so easy and it is so frustrating, watching this company continually shoot themselves in the foot. As always, no one at RIM listens. (I have a relative in the company, trust me, they are on another plant.)

The four simple steps to save RIM.

1) life cycle the models (chassis) every two years. Introduce a new variation with updated chipset and memory every year to keep current and BRAND these phones. For EG, Right now I have a BOLD 8GB with what processor?

2) All other aforementioned phones have one fatal flaw. They don't have keyboards!

3) Sell the security. Obama has been in office for four years and famously said he will not live without his blackberry. WHERE THE HELL IS THE TV COMMERCIAL FOR THIS? WTF? The president of the United States will only use a blackberry and you're f***ing silent? At this point RIM deserves bankruptcy. Oh and let's not forget all the other world leaders, celebrities etc that used the blackberry network. I guess there is no one famous that couple appear in a blackberry add campaign.

4) Front facing camera and skype. My employees that are from overseas always like to point out that there is not front camera for video conferencing.

What not to do:
Introduce a lame phone without a keyboard. RIM has become an "US TOO" company instead of innovating. This iPhone copy is just another example of "US TOO" RIM. Sadly, they have no clue how to market the products they already have.

I really would love to know what the credentials are to be a member of RIM's executive. Perhaps past experience at Nortel?

Good luck RIM, you're going to need it.
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