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Old 03-21-2006, 06:36 PM   #4
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Look for the HistoricalStats:

Interpreting the results of the HistoricalStats query
Results are in a .csv file HistoricalStats_<MMDD>.<#>.csv, where MMDD is the month and day, and <#> is the number of agent restarts that the tool finds in the logs that it processes. If you specified all, the file name is HistoricalStats_<MMDD>.<#>.csv.
-u all/<username>
xxx8226;Type all to query all users in the logs, or type the user name to query a specific user.
xxx8226;Microsoft Exchange: SMTP name
xxx8226;IBM Lotus Domino: canonical name
xxx8226;GroupWise: first name and last name
[-input <userlist.txt>]
xxx56256;xxx56416;Specify a user list file to check a group of users. The list file can only contain usersxxx8217; names and must be new-line delimited.
xxx8226;SMTP name for Microsoft Exchange
xxx8226;common name for IBM Lotus Domino
xxx8226;first name and last name for GroupWise
Note: Using this parameter overrides the value specified in -u.
[-agent <acronym>]
xxx56256;xxx56416;Type the acronym for the BlackBerry Messaging Agent logs if it is not MAGT.
[-dispatcher <acronym>]
xxx56256;xxx56416;Type the acronym for the BlackBerry Dispatcher logs if it is not DISP.
[-l <c:\folder\>]
xxx56256;xxx56416;Type the location of log files if they are not in the same folder as the tool.
[-output user/all]
xxx56256;xxx56416;Type user to create one file for each user, or all to create one file for all users.
[-debug <filename.txt>]
xxx56256;xxx56416;Type -debug and a file name if you want to produce more detailed output for debugging purposes.
Note: If you do not specify a file, the debug information appears on-screen.
xxx56256;xxx56416;Type either -? or -help to receive help for the tool.
Note: No other parameters are required when you use this parameter.
Parameter Procedure
displays the messaging server on which the user resides (not available on GroupWise servers)
displays the userxxx8217;s
xxx8226;Microsoft Exchange: SMTP name
xxx8226;IBM Lotus Domino: canonical name
xxx8226;GroupWise: first name and last name
Display name
displays the name of the BlackBerry Dispatcher
displays the userxxx8217;s handheld PIN
displays the SRPID for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server on which the user resides
Messages to
displays the number of messages sent to the handheld
Messages from
displays the number of messages sent from the handheld
replied/forwarded from

displays the number of messages replied to or forwarded from the handheld; this is a subset of sent from handheld
Attachment requests
displays the number of attachment requests sent from the handheld
displays the number of wireless message reconciliation requests sent to the handheld; this is wireless folder-management data
displays the number of wireless message reconciliation requests sent from the handheld
CICAL TO (in bytes)
displays the number of CICAL bytes sent to the handheld; this is wireless calendar data
CICAL FROM (in bytes)
displays the number of CICAL bytes sent from the handheld