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Old 05-12-2006, 09:05 PM   #7
Hold'em Promotions
New Member
Join Date: May 2006
Model: 7750b
Posts: 5

As for the attachment problem, when composing an email from the BlackBerry, click "Add Attachment' and find the attachment on your BB.
Well I did a search on the forums and everyone was claiming that you can't just simply add attachments from your BlackBerry, you need to use a program. Maybe on the newer models you can attach files? I have a 7750, and as far as I know, you cannot add attachments (I think I searched and found 4 different threads verifying this).

You can reply to emails that you recieved before the upgrade for up to 30 days after.
Good to know! Looks like I'll be spending my entire week forwarding received emails to a storage account. Just to confirm, all of my emails on my handheld that I received BEFORE the upgrade are going to be erased? Here's where I get curious: WHERE IS THE NOTIFICATION??

I did not click the upgrade button. The only time I ever upgrade anything is when it tells me it's necessary. I've had too many problems with "upgrading" in the past decade. You get these computer nerds developing "upgrades", but there is no notification or warning about losing extremely important data in the process, because they don't consider it.

unlike me I clicked yes not knowing I would loose PC access, I thought 2.0!! newer- must be better
Well at least I'm not alone!

It also is a great tool to answer such emails. But as far as storage, people should get into the habit of BCCing themselves to a place where they can be stored in a more permanent basis if they are that important.
When I'm contactig a client, due to confidentiality, I believe that would be costly to see that their email is being carbon-copied to another email. Even worse when you're discussing a deal. So as much as I'd like to do that, I don't believe that is proper business practice.

Anyways, what would you suggest from here? Should I go get Microsoft Exhange or one of the other programs?

Thanks for all the help, definitely more help here than from any of the tech support I've talked to today.