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Old 05-13-2006, 09:42 AM   #14
CrackBerry Addict
Join Date: Apr 2006
Model: 7290
Posts: 682

Good to know! Looks like I'll be spending my entire week forwarding received emails to a storage account. Just to confirm, all of my emails on my handheld that I received BEFORE the upgrade are going to be erased? Here's where I get curious: WHERE IS THE NOTIFICATION??

I did not click the upgrade button. The only time I ever upgrade anything is when it tells me it's necessary. I've had too many problems with "upgrading" in the past decade. You get these computer nerds developing "upgrades", but there is no notification or warning about losing extremely important data in the process, because they don't consider it.
the upgrade option comes up when you first sign into the BIS account...once you choose yes it never appears again.

To clarify the emails will not delete off of your handheld in 30 days - however the service book (web client [CMIME]) that was used to receive these emails will not. Therefore you will not be able to reply to the messages

You will be able to forward them if you change the "send using" to your new service book

In regards to attachments - if you can view the attacment on the handheld you will be able to forward it. I don't believe you can add attachments via the handheld (possible through 34rd party program but i've not heard of one). If i'm wrong about this i'm sorry

hope this helps